Thursday, 9 June 2016

Tokyo Immigration Center to Relocate to Disneyland

The Ministry of Gaijin announced yesterday that at the start of next month, all Tokyo immigration offices will close, and their operations will move to a new office inside Tokyo Disneyland. Foreigners wishing to renew their visas or change their visa status will be required to enter the park to access the office.

Ministry spokesman Miki Gadaisuki explained, "All foreigners go to Disneyland anyway, and we hear constant reports of how they hate queuing at the Shinagawa office. By moving to Disneyland, we can transform the queuing into a fun time for all the family."

Immigration: the happiest place on Earth

Immigration counters will be positioned near all the rides, and successful visa applicants will receive a fast pass for a ride. "You see, it's more convenient for everyone," said Gadiasuki. "And since Disneyland is in Chiba prefecture, it's easy for overstayers and other violators to go direct to Narita for deportation."

Despite the official nature of the work, the Disney theme will be maintained throughout. Immigration officials will have sparkly new uniforms in bright colours with Mickey ears, and the detention center will double as an attraction during the daytime, with detainees playing inmates of "Super Gaijin Lock-Up Land".

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