Sunday 8 June 2014

Government Protests Early Start to Rainy Season

There have been strong official protests after the rainy season started on 5th June, a full two weeks ahead of the date set by the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA).

"We're deeply offended at this blatant disregard for our stated plans," said JMA spokesman Warui Tenkine. "When we announce a schedule we expect it to be adhered to, without being offered weak excuses like 'climate change' that we had last year."

The mis-step has also caused irritation at the Ministry of Infrastructure. "This has severely disrupted our plans for summer," said junior minister Dara Kunatta. "Unpredictable weather patterns make it difficult to efficiently collude with construction companies, as the rain often soaks through the envelopes containing the cash."

The rainy season has been quick to apologize for its over-hasty action. "I deeply regret my error in not starting on the expected date," it said in a press statement. "I promise faithfully to follow the JMA schedule from now on, and to make up my mistake I'll rain extra hard until this year's ending date."